23#ifndef RestCore_TRestAxionEventProcess
24#define RestCore_TRestAxionEventProcess
26#include "TRestAxionEvent.h"
27#include "TRestEventProcess.h"
60 TVector3 GetCenter()
const {
return fPosition; }
A base class for any axion event process. Defines position, rotation and component displacement.
Bool_t fLocalAxis
If enabled it skips the end rotation that recovers the original axion trajectory direction.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Double_t fInternalYaw
The rotation angle with respect to the Y-axis.
TVector3 fExternalRotationCenter
The position (different than the center of the object) around which the rotation will be applied.
Double_t fInternalPitch
The rotation angle with respect to X-axis.
Double_t fExternalPitch
The rotation angle around CenterSetup with respect to X-axis.
void BeginPrintProcess()
Pre-defined printer, can be used at the beginning in the implementation of PrintMetadata()
TRestAxionEvent * fAxionEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestAxionEvent.
Double_t fExternalYaw
The rotation angle around CenterSetup with respect to the Y-axis.
virtual void PrintMetadata() override
It prints out the process parameters stored in the metadata structure.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
virtual void InitProcess() override
To be executed at the beginning of the run (outside event loop)
virtual void EndOfEventProcess(TRestEvent *evInput=nullptr) override
End of event process. Called directly after ProcessEvent()
TVector3 fPosition
The position of the component around which the rotation will be applied.
virtual void BeginOfEventProcess(TRestEvent *evInput=nullptr) override
Begin of event process, preparation work. Called right before ProcessEvent()
void EndPrintProcess()
Adds the footer for PrintMetadata.
An event data class to define the parameters related to an axion particle.
A base class for any REST event process.
A base class for any REST event.