23#ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorHitmapAnalysisProcess
24#define RestCore_TRestDetectorHitmapAnalysisProcess
26#include <TRestDetectorHitsEvent.h>
28#include "TRestEventProcess.h"
80 const char* GetProcessName()
const override {
return "hitsTransformation"; }
An analysis process to apply rotation/translation/specular to mean hit positions.
std::vector< HitTransformation > fTransDefinitions
A list of transformations that can be applied to the mean positions.
TVector3 Specular(const TVector3 &pos, const HitTransformation &tr)
It performs a specular transformation of the given pos in the argument and the transformation propert...
Default constructor.
HitTransformation GetTransformation(const std::string &name)
It returns the transformation with a given name.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Default destructor.
TRestDetectorHitsEvent * fHitsEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorHitsEvent input.
TVector3 Translation(const TVector3 &pos, const HitTransformation &tr)
It performs a translation of the given pos in the argument and the transformation properties stored i...
std::vector< std::string > fTransformations
An ordered list with the names of transformations that will be applied.
TVector3 Rotation(const TVector3 &pos, const HitTransformation &tr)
It performs a rotation of the given pos in the argument and the transformation properties stored in t...
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
void PrintMetadata() override
Prints out the metadata member values.
void InitFromConfigFile() override
A custom initalization from a config file.
A base class for any REST event process.
A base class for any REST event.