23#ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorReadoutPlane
24#define RestCore_TRestDetectorReadoutPlane
31#include "TRestDetectorReadoutChannel.h"
32#include "TRestDetectorReadoutModule.h"
85 void SetRotation(Double_t radians);
87 void SetAxisX(
const TVector3& axis);
124 bool IsInside(
const TVector3& point)
155 std::string GetType()
const {
return fType; }
157 std::string GetName()
const {
return fName; }
159 void SetType(
const std::string& type) { fType = type; }
161 void SetName(
const std::string& name) { fName = name; }
171 TVector2 GetPositionInPlane(
const TVector3& point)
172 Double_t GetDistanceToPlane(
const TVector3& point)
174 TVector3 GetPositionInWorld(
const TVector2& point, Double_t height = 0)
178 void Print(Int_t DetailLevel = 0);
180 Int_t
FindChannel(Int_t module,
const TVector2& position);
182 Double_t
GetX(Int_t modID, Int_t chID);
183 Double_t
GetY(Int_t modID, Int_t chID);
186 void GetBoundaries(
double& xmin,
double& xmax,
double& ymin,
double& ymax);
TVector2 GetDistanceToModule(const TVector2 &position)
Creates a TVector2 with shortest norm going from the given position pos to the module....
Bool_t isDaqIDInside(Int_t daqId)
This method determines if the daqId given is associated to any of the readout readout channels in any...
Int_t GetNumberOfChannels()
Returns the total number of channels in the readout plane.
Int_t isZInsideDriftVolume(Double_t z)
This method determines if a given position in z is inside the drift volume drifting distance for this...
TRestDetectorReadoutModule * GetModuleByID(Int_t modID)
Returns a pointer to a module using its internal module id.
void SetPosition(const TVector3 &position)
Sets the readout plane position.
void SetNormal(const TVector3 &normal)
It updates the value of the normal vector and recalculates the corresponding X and Y axis.
TH2Poly * GetReadoutHistogram()
Creates and returns a TH2Poly object with the readout pixel description.
TVector3 GetNormal() const
Returns a TVector3 with a vector normal to the readout plane.
Double_t fRotation
Rotation (in radians) of the readout plane around the normal vector.
Double_t GetHeight() const
Returns the height of the readout volume.
Double_t GetChargeCollection() const
Returns the charge collection ratio at this readout plane.
TVector3 GetAxisY() const
Returns a TVector3 with a vector that defines the Y-axis plane coordinate system.
TVector3 GetPosition() const
Returns a TVector3 with the readout plane position.
Int_t GetModuleIDFromPosition(const TVector3 &position) const
This method returns the module id where pos is found. The z-coordinate must be found in between the c...
Int_t fId
The plane id number imposed by the order of creation. Being the first id=0.
Double_t fChargeCollection
The fraction of charge/energy this readout plane collects from a hit position.
void Print(Int_t DetailLevel=0)
Prints information with details of the readout plane and modules defined inside the readout plane.
void SetChargeCollection(Double_t charge)
Sets the value for the charge collection.
Double_t GetRotation() const
Returns the rotation angle in radians of the reference frame with respect to the normal vector.
Default TRestDetectorReadoutPlane constructor.
bool IsInside(const TVector3 &point) const
Check if the point is inside any module of the readout plane.
void PrintMetadata()
Prints the readout plane description.
size_t GetNumberOfModules() const
Returns the total number of modules in the readout plane.
void SetID(int id)
Sets the planeId. This is done by TRestDetectorReadout during initialization.
TVector3 GetAxisX() const
Returns a TVector3 with a vector that defines the X-axis plane coordinate system.
void Draw()
Draws the readout plane using GetReadoutHistogram.
Double_t GetX(Int_t modID, Int_t chID)
Returns the X coordinate of a given channel in a given module using their internal module and channel...
Double_t GetDistanceTo(const TVector3 &pos) const
Returns the perpendicular distance to the readout plane from a given position pos.
TRestDetectorReadoutModule * GetModule(size_t mod)
Returns a pointer to a readout module using its std::vector index.
Int_t FindChannel(Int_t module, const TVector2 &position)
Finds the readout channel index for a given module stored in a given module index stored in the reado...
Double_t fHeight
A length in mm that confers a 3rd dimension to the readout plane and defines a volume.
void GetBoundaries(double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax)
Finds the xy boundaries of the readout plane delimited by the modules.
Double_t GetY(Int_t modID, Int_t chID)
Returns the Y coordinate of a given channel in a given module using their internal module and channel...
virtual ~TRestDetectorReadoutPlane()
Default TRestDetectorReadoutPlane destructor.
TVector3 fPosition
The position of the readout plane that defines the origin (0,0) in plane coordinates.
TVector3 GetCathodePosition() const
Returns a TVector3 with the cathode position.
void SetHeight(Double_t d)
Used to define the height of the readout volume with sign crosscheck.
TVector3 fAxisX
A vector contained in the plane that defines the plane X-axis.
TVector3 fAxisY
A vector contained in the plane that defines the plane Y-axis.
TVector2 GetDistanceToModule(Int_t mod, const TVector2 &position)
TVector3 fNormal
A vector that defines the plane orientation and the side of the active volume.
Int_t GetID() const
Returns an integer with the plane id number.
Double_t GetDriftDistance() const
Returns the total drift distance. Equivalent to the height of the readout volume.
std::vector< TRestDetectorReadoutModule > fReadoutModules
< A list of TRestDetectorReadoutModule components contained in the readout plane.
void AddModule(const TRestDetectorReadoutModule &module)
Adds a new module to the readout plane.