REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
2 * This file is part of the REST software framework. *
3 * *
4 * Copyright (C) 2016 GIFNA/TREX (University of Zaragoza) *
5 * For more information see *
6 * *
7 * REST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
10 * (at your option) any later version. *
11 * *
12 * REST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
16 * *
17 * You should have a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
19 * If not, see *
20 * For the list of contributors see $REST_PATH/CREDITS. *
21 *************************************************************************/
23#ifndef TRestSoft_TRestHits
24#define TRestSoft_TRestHits
26#include <TCanvas.h>
27#include <TF1.h>
28#include <TGraphErrors.h>
29#include <TH1.h>
30#include <TMath.h>
31#include <TMatrixD.h>
32#include <TVector3.h>
34#include <iostream>
36enum REST_HitType { unknown = -1, X = 2, Y = 3, Z = 5, XY = 6, XZ = 10, YZ = 15, XYZ = 30, VETO = 100 };
39class TRestHits {
40 protected:
41 // TODO: This is no longer used, it should be removed
42 size_t fNHits = 0;
43 // TODO: This is no longer used, it should be removed
44 Double_t fTotalEnergy = 0;
47 std::vector<Float_t> fX; // [fNHits]
50 std::vector<Float_t> fY; // [fNHits]
53 std::vector<Float_t> fZ; // [fNHits]
56 std::vector<Float_t> fTime; // [fNHits]
59 std::vector<Float_t> fEnergy; // [fNHits]
62 std::vector<REST_HitType> fType;
64 public:
65 void Translate(Int_t n, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
66 void RotateIn3D(Int_t n, Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Double_t gamma, const TVector3& center);
67 void Rotate(Int_t n, Double_t alpha, const TVector3& vAxis, const TVector3& vMean);
69 void AddHit(const TVector3& position, Double_t energy, Double_t time = 0, REST_HitType type = XYZ);
70 void AddHit(TRestHits& hits, Int_t n);
72 Int_t GetMostEnergeticHitInRange(Int_t n, Int_t m) const;
74 Double_t GetMaximumHitDistance() const;
75 Double_t GetMaximumHitDistance2() const;
77 virtual void RemoveHits();
78 virtual void MergeHits(int n, int m);
79 virtual void SwapHits(Int_t i, Int_t j);
80 virtual void RemoveHit(int n);
82 virtual Bool_t areXY() const;
83 virtual Bool_t areXZ() const;
84 virtual Bool_t areYZ() const;
85 virtual Bool_t areXYZ() const;
87 Bool_t isNaN(Int_t n) const;
89 Double_t GetDistanceToNode(Int_t n) const;
91 Bool_t isSortedByEnergy() const;
93 inline size_t GetNumberOfHits() const { return fEnergy.size(); }
95 inline const std::vector<Float_t>& GetX() const { return fX; }
96 inline const std::vector<Float_t>& GetY() const { return fY; }
97 inline const std::vector<Float_t>& GetZ() const { return fZ; }
98 inline const std::vector<Float_t>& GetTime() const { return fTime; }
99 inline const std::vector<Float_t>& GetEnergyVector() const { return fEnergy; }
101 inline Double_t GetX(int n) const { return fX[n]; } // return value in mm
102 inline Double_t GetY(int n) const { return fY[n]; } // return value in mm
103 inline Double_t GetZ(int n) const { return fZ[n]; } // return value in mm
104 inline Double_t GetTime(int n) const { return fTime[n]; } // return value in us
105 inline Double_t GetEnergy(int n) const { return fEnergy[n]; } // return value in keV
107 inline REST_HitType GetType(int n) const { return fType[n]; }
109 TVector3 GetPosition(int n) const;
110 TVector3 GetVector(int i, int j) const;
112 Int_t GetNumberOfHitsX() const;
113 Int_t GetNumberOfHitsY() const;
115 Double_t GetMeanPositionX() const;
116 Double_t GetMeanPositionY() const;
117 Double_t GetMeanPositionZ() const;
118 TVector3 GetMeanPosition() const;
120 Double_t GetSigmaXY2() const;
121 Double_t GetSigmaX() const;
122 Double_t GetSigmaY() const;
123 Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const;
124 Double_t GetSkewXY() const;
125 Double_t GetSkewZ() const;
127 Double_t GetGaussSigmaX(Double_t error = 150.0, Int_t nHitsMin = 100000);
128 Double_t GetGaussSigmaY(Double_t error = 150.0, Int_t nHitsMin = 100000);
129 Double_t GetGaussSigmaZ(Double_t error = 150.0, Int_t nHitsMin = 100000);
131 Double_t GetEnergyX() const;
132 Double_t GetEnergyY() const;
134 Bool_t isHitNInsidePrism(Int_t n, const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
135 Double_t theta) const;
136 Int_t GetNumberOfHitsInsidePrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
137 Double_t theta) const;
138 Double_t GetEnergyInPrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
139 Double_t theta) const;
140 Double_t GetMeanPositionXInPrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
141 Double_t theta) const;
142 Double_t GetMeanPositionYInPrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
143 Double_t theta) const;
144 Double_t GetMeanPositionZInPrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
145 Double_t theta) const;
146 TVector3 GetMeanPositionInPrism(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY,
147 Double_t theta) const;
149 Bool_t isHitNInsideCylinder(Int_t n, const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
151 Int_t GetNumberOfHitsInsideCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
152 Int_t GetNumberOfHitsInsideCylinder(Int_t i, Int_t j, Double_t radius) const;
154 Double_t GetEnergyInCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
155 Double_t GetEnergyInCylinder(Int_t i, Int_t j, Double_t radius) const;
156 Double_t GetMeanPositionXInCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
157 Double_t GetMeanPositionYInCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
158 Double_t GetMeanPositionZInCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
159 TVector3 GetMeanPositionInCylinder(const TVector3& x0, const TVector3& x1, Double_t radius) const;
161 Bool_t isHitNInsideSphere(Int_t n, const TVector3& pos0, Double_t radius) const;
162 Bool_t isHitNInsideSphere(Int_t n, Double_t x0, Double_t y0, Double_t z0, Double_t radius) const;
164 Double_t GetEnergyInSphere(const TVector3& pos0, Double_t radius) const;
165 Double_t GetEnergyInSphere(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t radius) const;
167 Double_t GetMaximumHitEnergy() const;
168 Double_t GetMinimumHitEnergy() const;
169 Double_t GetMeanHitEnergy() const;
171 Double_t GetTotalEnergy() const;
172 Double_t GetDistance2(int n, int m) const;
173 inline Double_t GetDistance(int N, int M) const { return TMath::Sqrt(GetDistance2(N, M)); }
174 Double_t GetTotalDistance() const;
176 Double_t GetHitsPathLength(Int_t n = 0, Int_t m = 0) const;
178 Double_t GetHitsTwist(Int_t n, Int_t m) const;
179 Double_t GetHitsTwistWeighted(Int_t n, Int_t m) const;
181 Int_t GetClosestHit(const TVector3& position) const;
183 TVector2 GetProjection(Int_t n, Int_t m, const TVector3& position) const;
185 Double_t GetTransversalProjection(const TVector3& p0, const TVector3& direction,
186 const TVector3& position) const;
188 void WriteHitsToTextFile(TString filename);
190 static void GetBoundaries(std::vector<double>& val, double& max, double& min, int& nBins,
191 double offset = 10);
193 virtual void PrintHits(Int_t nHits = -1) const;
196 public:
197 using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
199 using difference_type = int;
200 using pointer = void;
201 using reference = void;
203 private:
204 int maxIndex = 0;
205 int index = 0;
206 TRestHits* fHits = nullptr;
207 bool isAccessor = false;
208 float _x;
209 float _y;
210 float _z;
211 float _t;
212 float _e;
213 REST_HitType _type;
215 public:
216 float& x() { return isAccessor ? _x : fHits->fX[index]; }
217 float& y() { return isAccessor ? _y : fHits->fY[index]; }
218 float& z() { return isAccessor ? _z : fHits->fZ[index]; }
219 float& t() { return isAccessor ? _t : fHits->fTime[index]; }
220 float& e() { return isAccessor ? _e : fHits->fEnergy[index]; }
221 REST_HitType& type() { return isAccessor ? _type : fHits->fType[index]; }
223 float x() const { return isAccessor ? _x : fHits->fX[index]; }
224 float y() const { return isAccessor ? _y : fHits->fY[index]; }
225 float z() const { return isAccessor ? _z : fHits->fZ[index]; }
226 float t() const { return isAccessor ? _t : fHits->fTime[index]; }
227 float e() const { return isAccessor ? _e : fHits->fEnergy[index]; }
228 REST_HitType type() const { return isAccessor ? _type : fHits->fType[index]; }
230 // accessor: hit data is copied to self. The class acts like "TRestHit"
231 void toaccessor();
233 TRestHits_Iterator operator*() const;
234 TRestHits_Iterator& operator++();
235 TRestHits_Iterator& operator+=(const int& n);
236 TRestHits_Iterator operator+(const int& n);
237 TRestHits_Iterator& operator--();
238 TRestHits_Iterator& operator-=(const int& n);
239 TRestHits_Iterator operator-(const int& n);
240 TRestHits_Iterator& operator=(const TRestHits_Iterator& iter);
242 friend int operator-(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
243 return i1.index - i2.index;
244 }
245 friend bool operator==(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
246 return i1.fHits == i2.fHits && i1.index == i2.index;
247 }
248 friend bool operator!=(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
249 return i1.fHits != i2.fHits || i1.index != i2.index;
250 }
251 friend bool operator>(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
252 // default comparison logic
253 return i1.index > i2.index;
254 }
255 friend bool operator>=(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
256 // default comparison logic
257 return i1.index >= i2.index;
258 }
259 friend bool operator<(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
260 return i1.index < i2.index;
261 }
262 friend bool operator<=(const TRestHits_Iterator& i1, const TRestHits_Iterator& i2) {
263 return i1.index <= i2.index;
264 }
266 if (i1.fHits == i2.fHits) {
267 i1.fHits->SwapHits(i1.index, i2.index);
268 }
269 }
271 TRestHits_Iterator(TRestHits* h, int _index);
272 };
273 inline TRestHits_Iterator begin() { return {this, 0}; }
274 inline TRestHits_Iterator end() { return {this, static_cast<int>(GetNumberOfHits())}; }
275 typedef TRestHits_Iterator iterator;
280 ClassDef(TRestHits, 6);
It saves a 3-coordinate position and an energy for each punctual deposition.
Definition: TRestHits.h:39
TVector3 GetVector(int i, int j) const
It returns the vector that goes from hit j to hit i.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:531
virtual Bool_t areXYZ() const
It will return true only if all the hits inside are of type XYZ.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:146
Double_t GetEnergyX() const
It calculates the total energy of hits with a valid X coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:564
Double_t GetDistanceToNode(Int_t n) const
It determines the distance required to travel from the first hit to the hit n adding all the distance...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1217
virtual Bool_t areYZ() const
It will return true only if all the hits inside are of type YZ.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:131
void Rotate(Int_t n, Double_t alpha, const TVector3 &vAxis, const TVector3 &vMean)
It rotates hit n by an angle akpha along the vAxis with center at vMean.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:409
virtual Bool_t areXY() const
It will return true only if all the hits inside are of type XY.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:101
Double_t GetMaximumHitEnergy() const
It returns the maximum hit energy.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:426
Int_t GetNumberOfHitsInsidePrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the total number of hits contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and y0 vertex,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:216
Double_t GetMeanPositionZ() const
It calculates the mean Z position weighting with the energy of the hits with a valid Z coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:637
Double_t GetMeanPositionX() const
It calculates the mean X position weighting with the energy of the hits with a valid X coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:593
Double_t GetSkewXY() const
It returns the 2-dimensional skewness on the XY-plane which is a measure of the hits distribution asy...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:979
Double_t GetHitsTwistWeighted(Int_t n, Int_t m) const
Same as GetHitsTwist but weighting with the energy.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1325
TVector3 GetMeanPosition() const
It calculates the mean position weighting with the energy of the hits. Each coordinate is calculated ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:658
Double_t GetMeanPositionY() const
It calculates the mean Y position weighting with the energy of the hits with a valid Y coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:615
virtual void RemoveHits()
It removes all hits inside the class.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:371
Double_t GetMeanHitEnergy() const
It returns the mean hits energy.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:452
Double_t GetTotalDistance() const
It determines the distance required to travel from the first to the last hit adding all the distances...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1192
TVector3 GetMeanPositionInCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the mean position using the hits contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and de...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1169
Double_t GetGaussSigmaX(Double_t error=150.0, Int_t nHitsMin=100000)
It computes the gaussian sigma in the X-coordinate. It adds a hit to the right and a hit to the left,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:762
Double_t GetMeanPositionYInPrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the mean Y position of hits contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and x1 verte...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1052
virtual void MergeHits(int n, int m)
It merges hits n and m being the resulting hit placed at the weighted center and being its final ener...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:458
static void GetBoundaries(std::vector< double > &val, double &max, double &min, int &nBins, double offset=10)
TODO This method is not using any TRestHits member. This probably means that it should be placed some...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:738
Bool_t isSortedByEnergy() const
It returns true if the hits are ordered in increasing energies.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:490
Double_t GetSigmaX() const
It calculates the hits standard deviation in the X-coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:685
Double_t GetTransversalProjection(const TVector3 &p0, const TVector3 &direction, const TVector3 &position) const
It returns the transversal projection of position to the line defined by position and direction.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1284
Double_t GetEnergyInCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the total energy contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and delimited between ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:262
virtual void RemoveHit(int n)
It removes the hit at position n from the list.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:503
std::vector< REST_HitType > fType
The type of hit X,Y,XY,XYZ, ...
Definition: TRestHits.h:62
std::vector< Float_t > fZ
Position on Z axis for each punctual deposition (units mm)
Definition: TRestHits.h:53
Double_t GetEnergyY() const
It calculates the total energy of hits with a valid Y coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:578
Bool_t isHitNInsidePrism(Int_t n, const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines if hit n is contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and y0 vertex,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:176
Double_t GetMeanPositionZInPrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the mean Z position of hits contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and x1 verte...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1074
Double_t GetMeanPositionXInCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the mean position X using the hits contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1107
Double_t GetHitsTwist(Int_t n, Int_t m) const
A parameter measuring how straight is a given sequence of hits. If the value is close to zero,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1301
Double_t GetMeanPositionXInPrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the mean X position of hits contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and x1 verte...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1030
std::vector< Float_t > fY
Position on Y axis for each punctual deposition (units mm)
Definition: TRestHits.h:50
std::vector< Float_t > fX
Position on X axis for each punctual deposition (units mm)
Definition: TRestHits.h:47
Double_t GetEnergyInSphere(const TVector3 &pos0, Double_t radius) const
It determines the total energy contained in a sphere with position pos0 for a given spherical radius.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:296
Double_t GetGaussSigmaZ(Double_t error=150.0, Int_t nHitsMin=100000)
It computes the gaussian sigma in the Z-coordinate. It adds a hit to the right and a hit to the left,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:907
Int_t GetMostEnergeticHitInRange(Int_t n, Int_t m) const
It returns the most energetic hit found between hits n and m.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1229
Double_t GetEnergyInPrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the total hit energy contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and y0 vertex,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:200
void WriteHitsToTextFile(TString filename)
It writes the hits to a plain text file.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:721
Default destructor.
std::vector< Float_t > fEnergy
Energy deposited at each 3-coordinate position (units keV)
Definition: TRestHits.h:59
void AddHit(const TVector3 &position, Double_t energy, Double_t time=0, REST_HitType type=XYZ)
Adds a new hit to the list of hits using a TVector3.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:345
TVector2 GetProjection(Int_t n, Int_t m, const TVector3 &position) const
It returns the longitudinal and transversal projections of position to the axis defined by the hits n...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1265
Double_t GetGaussSigmaY(Double_t error=150.0, Int_t nHitsMin=100000)
It computes the gaussian sigma in the Y-coordinate. It adds a hit to the right and a hit to the left,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:836
std::vector< Float_t > fTime
Absolute time information for each punctual deposition (units us, 0 is time of decay)
Definition: TRestHits.h:56
Default constructor.
virtual Bool_t areXZ() const
It will return true only if all the hits inside are of type XZ.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:116
Int_t GetClosestHit(const TVector3 &position) const
It returns the closest hit to a given position.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1244
size_t fNHits
Number of punctual energy depositions, it is the length for all the arrays.
Definition: TRestHits.h:42
void RotateIn3D(Int_t n, Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Double_t gamma, const TVector3 &center)
It rotates hit n following rotations in Z, Y and X by angles gamma, beta and alpha....
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:393
Double_t fTotalEnergy
Event total energy.
Definition: TRestHits.h:44
Int_t GetNumberOfHitsInsideCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the total number of hits contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and delimited ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:283
Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const
It returns the hits distribution variance on the Z-axis.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:997
Bool_t isHitNInsideCylinder(Int_t n, const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines if hit n is contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and delimited between x0 an...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:230
Double_t GetSkewZ() const
It returns the hits distribution skewness, or asymmetry on the Z-axis.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1013
TVector3 GetMeanPositionInPrism(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t sizeX, Double_t sizeY, Double_t theta) const
It determines the mean position of hits contained inside a prisma delimited between x0 and x1 vertex,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1095
Double_t GetSigmaY() const
It calculates the hits standard deviation in the Y-coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:703
virtual void SwapHits(Int_t i, Int_t j)
It exchanges hits n and m affecting to the ordering of the hits inside the list of hits.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:478
Bool_t isNaN(Int_t n) const
It will return true only if all the 3-coordinates of hit number n are not a number,...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:162
Double_t GetMaximumHitDistance() const
It returns the maximum distance between 2-hits.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1352
Double_t GetDistance2(int n, int m) const
It returns the euclidian distance between hits n and m.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1201
TVector3 GetPosition(int n) const
It returns the position of hit number n.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:515
virtual void PrintHits(Int_t nHits=-1) const
It prints on screen the first nHits from the list.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1380
Double_t GetMaximumHitDistance2() const
It returns the maximum squared distance between 2-hits.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1366
Double_t GetSigmaXY2() const
It calculates the 2-dimensional hits variance.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:666
Double_t GetMinimumHitEnergy() const
It returns the minimum hit energy.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:439
Int_t GetNumberOfHitsY() const
It returns the number of hits with a valid Y coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:550
void Translate(Int_t n, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
It moves hit n by a given amount (x,y,z).
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:383
Bool_t isHitNInsideSphere(Int_t n, const TVector3 &pos0, Double_t radius) const
It determines if the hit n is contained in a sphere with position pos0 for a given sphereical radius.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:322
Int_t GetNumberOfHitsX() const
It returns the number of hits with a valid X coordinate.
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:536
Double_t GetHitsPathLength(Int_t n=0, Int_t m=0) const
It determines the distance required to travel from hit n to hit m adding all the distances of the hit...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1179
Double_t GetMeanPositionYInCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the mean position Y using the hits contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1128
Double_t GetMeanPositionZInCylinder(const TVector3 &x0, const TVector3 &x1, Double_t radius) const
It determines the mean position Z using the hits contained inside a cylinder with a given radius and ...
Definition: TRestHits.cxx:1149