23#ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorHitsToSignalProcess
24#define RestCore_TRestDetectorHitsToSignalProcess
26#include <TRestEventProcess.h>
28#include "TRestDetectorGas.h"
29#include "TRestDetectorHitsEvent.h"
30#include "TRestDetectorReadout.h"
31#include "TRestDetectorSignalEvent.h"
32#include "TRestPhysics.h"
A process to transform a x,y,z coordinate hits into daq identified physical time signals.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Double_t fSampling
The sampling rate in us.
void InitProcess() override
Process initialization. This process accesses the information inside TRestGeant4Metadata to identify ...
TRestDetectorHitsEvent * fHitsEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorHitsEvent output.
TRestDetectorGas * fGas
A pointer to the detector gas definition accessible to TRestRun.
Default constructor.
Double_t fGasPressure
The gas pressure. If defined it will change the TRestDetectorGas pressure in atm.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
const char * GetProcessName() const override
Returns the name of this process.
TRestDetectorReadout * fReadout
A pointer to the detector readout definition available to TRestRun.
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
void PrintMetadata() override
It prints out the process parameters stored in the metadata structure.
Default destructor.
Double_t fDriftVelocity
The drift velocity in mm/us. If it is negative, it will be calculated from TRestDetectorGas.
TRestDetectorSignalEvent * fSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorHitsEvent input.
void LoadDefaultConfig()
Function to load the default config in absence of RML input.
Double_t fElectricField
The electric field in V/mm. Used to calculate the drift velocity if TRestDetectorGas is defined.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
A metadata class to generate/store a readout description.
A base class for any REST event process.
void BeginPrintProcess()
[name, cut range]
A base class for any REST event.