23#ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorHitsToTrackProcess
24#define RestCore_TRestDetectorHitsToTrackProcess
26#include <TRestDetectorHitsEvent.h>
27#include <TRestTrackEvent.h>
30#include "TRestEventProcess.h"
A process to convert a TRestDetectorHitsEvent into a TRestTrackEvent.
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
Default destructor.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Double_t fClusterDistance
The hits distance used to define a cluster of hits.
void PrintMetadata() override
It prints out the process parameters stored in the metadata structure.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Default constructor.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
Int_t FindTracks(TRestHits *hits)
The main algorithm. It idetifies the hits that belong to each track and adds them already to the outp...
const char * GetProcessName() const override
Returns the name of this process.
A base class for any REST event process.
void BeginPrintProcess()
[name, cut range]
A base class for any REST event.
It saves a 3-coordinate position and an energy for each punctual deposition.