122#include "TRestRawToDetectorSignalProcess.h"
156 Int_t rejectedSignal = 0;
158 if (fZeroSuppression) {
166 signal.SetID(rawSignal->
168 if (fZeroSuppression) {
169 ZeroSuppresion(rawSignal, signal);
178 if (signal.GetNumberOfPoints() > 0) {
199 for (
unsigned int n = 0; n < pOver.size(); n++) {
void SetObservableValue(const std::string &name, const T &value)
Set observable value for AnalysisTree.
A base class for any REST event.
An event container for time rawdata signals with fixed length.
void SetBaseLineRange(TVector2 blRange, std::string option="")
It defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin.
Int_t GetID() const
Returns the value of signal ID.
std::vector< Int_t > GetPointsOverThreshold() const
Returns a std::vector containing the indexes of data points over threshold.
void InitializePointsOverThreshold(const TVector2 &thrPar, Int_t nPointsOver, Int_t nPointsFlat=512)
It initializes the fPointsOverThreshold array with the indexes of data points that are found over thr...
Double_t GetData(Int_t n) const
It returns the data value of point n including baseline correction.
Int_t GetNumberOfPoints() const
Returns the actual number of points, or size of the signal.
A process to convert a TRestRawSignalEvent into a TRestDetectorSignalEvent.
Double_t fSignalThreshold
A threshold parameter to accept or reject a pre-identified signal. See process description.
Default constructor.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
Default destructor.
Double_t fPointThreshold
Number of sigmas over baseline fluctuation to accept a point is over threshold.
Double_t fTriggerStarts
The corresponding time of the first bin inside the raw signal.
Int_t fNPointsOverThreshold
Number of consecutive points over threshold required to accept a signal.
Double_t fGain
A factor the data values will be multiplied by at the output signal.
TVector2 fBaseLineRange
The ADC range used for baseline offset definition.
TRestRawSignalEvent * fInputSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestRawSignalEvent input.
TRestDetectorSignalEvent * fOutputSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorSignalEvent input.
Double_t fThreshold
A factor the data values will be multiplied by at the output signal.
TVector2 fIntegralRange
The ADC range used for integral definition and signal identification.
Double_t fSampling
The sampling time used to transform the binned data to time information.