REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NREST_ReflectionThis namespace serves for the reflection functionality
 NREST_UnitsThis namespace defines the unit conversion for different units which are understood by REST
 CHitTransformationA structure to define a given hit transformation
 CTRestAnalysisTreeREST core data-saving helper based on TTree
 CTRestAxionAnalysisProcessAn analyis process to add TRestAxionEvent observables to the analysis tree
 CTRestAxionBufferGasA metadata class to define the gas properties used in axion search calculations
 CTRestAxionDeviationProcessA process to deviate the axion direction by a given yaw and pitch angle distributions
 CTRestAxionEventAn event data class to define the parameters related to an axion particle
 CTRestAxionEventProcessA base class for any axion event process. Defines position, rotation and component displacement
 CTRestAxionFieldA basic class to define analytical axion-photon conversion calculations for axion helioscopes
 CTRestAxionFieldPropagationProcessA process to introduce the magnetic field profile integration along the track
 CTRestAxionGeneratorProcessA process to initialize the axion event (mainly through TRestAxionSolarFlux)
 CTRestAxionHelioscopeSignalIt allows to build a signal model using a given helioscope configuration and solar axion flux component
 CTRestAxionMagneticFieldA class to load magnetic field maps and evaluate the field on those maps including interpolation
 CTRestAxionMCPLOpticsA class to load optics response using MCPL files
 CTRestAxionOpticsAn abstract class to define common optics parameters and methods
 CTRestAxionOpticsMirrorA metadata class accessing the Henke database to load reflectivity data
 CTRestAxionOpticsProcessA process to introduce the response from optics in the axion signal generation chain
 CTRestAxionSolarFluxA metadata class to load tabulated solar axion fluxes
 CTRestAxionSolarModelA metadata class to define theoretical axion models and calculations related
 CTRestAxionSolarQCDFluxA metadata class to load tabulated solar axion fluxes. Mass independent
 CTRestAxionSpectrumA metadata class to define a solar axion spectrum and functions to evaluate it
 CTRestAxionTemplateA metadata class to serve as example on the implementation of future metadata classes
 CTRestAxionTransmissionProcessA process to include photon transmission using a combination of TRestAxionXrayWindow definitions
 CTRestAxionTransportProcessA process to transport the axion to a given z-position without changing direction
 CTRestAxionTrueWolterOpticsA class that calculates the reflection path of X-rays through a Wolter 1 telescope
 CTRestAxionWolterOpticsA class that calculates the reflection path of X-rays through a Wolter 1 telescope
 CTRestAxionXrayWindowA metadata class to create x-ray transmission window definitions
 CTRestBenchMarkProcessA system performance monitor process for event flow rate, reading speed, cpu stress, etc
 CTRestBrowserEvent browser for different input file
 CTRestCombinedMaskA class used to define and generate a combined structure mask
 CTRestComplexA generic class to handle complex numbers with real precision
 CTRestComponentIt defines a background/signal model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en)
 CTRestComponentDataSetIt defines a background/signal model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en)
 CTRestComponentFormulaIt defines an analytical component model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en)
 CTRestCutA class to help on cuts definitions. To be used with TRestAnalysisTree
 CTRestDataQualityProcessA process to define and store quality numbers
 CTRestDataQualityRulesA class to define the properties of a rule inside TRestDataQualityRules
 CTRestDataSetIt allows to group a number of runs that satisfy given metadata conditions
 CTRestDataSetCalibrationThis class is meant to perform the calibration of different runs
 CTRestDataSetGainMapMetadata class to calculate,store and apply the gain corrected calibration of a group of detectors
 CTRestDataSetOddsThis class is meant to compute the log odds for different datasets
 CTRestDataSetPlotPerform the plot over datasets
 CTRestDetectorAn metadata class to store basic detector information
 CTRestDetectorHitmapAnalysisProcessAn analysis process to apply rotation/translation/specular to mean hit positions
 CTRestDetectorHitsAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data
 CTRestDetectorHitsGaussAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data performing gaussian fits
 CTRestDetectorHitsReadoutAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data
 CTRestDetectorHitsRotationProcessA process to rotate hits from a given center and axis
 CTRestDetectorHitsSmearingProcessA process to include detector energy resolution in a TRestDetectorHitsEvent
 CTRestDetectorHitsSpecularProcessA process to create specular hit images using a plane definition
 CTRestDetectorHitsToSignalProcessA process to transform a x,y,z coordinate hits into daq identified physical time signals
 CTRestDetectorHitsToTrackProcessA process to convert a TRestDetectorHitsEvent into a TRestTrackEvent
 CTRestDetectorHitsTranslationProcessA process to translate hits by a given user amount
 CTRestDetectorLightAttenuationProcessA process to include detector energy resolution in a TRestDetectorHitsEvent
 CTRestDetectorReadoutA metadata class to generate/store a readout description
 CTRestDetectorReadoutPixelA class to store the readout pixel definition used in TRestDetectorReadoutChannel
 CTRestDetectorSignalChannelActivityProcessA pure analysis process to generate histograms with detector channels activity
 CTRestDetectorSignalRecoveryProcessA process allowing to recover selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestDetectorSignalToHitsProcessA process to transform a daq channel and physical time to spatial coordinates
 CTRestDetectorSignalToRawSignalProcessA process to convert a TRestDetectorSignalEvent into a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestDetectorTriggerAnalysisProcessA process to generate integral observables for signal ADC windows found above the defined energy threshold
 CTRestEventA base class for any REST event
 CTRestEventProcessA base class for any REST event process
 CTRestEventRateAnalysisProcessA pure analysis process used to calculate event rates and other time observables
 CTRestEventSelectionProcessA template process to serve as an example to create new TRestRawSignalEventProcess
 CTRestExperimentIt includes a model definition and experimental data used to obtain a final experimental sensitivity
 CTRestExperimentListA helper metadata class to create a list of TRestExperiment instances
 CTRestGeant4AnalysisProcessA pure analysis process to extract information from a TRestGeant4Event
 CTRestGeant4EventAn event class to store geant4 generated event information
 CTRestGeant4MetadataThe main class to store the Geant4 simulation conditions that will be used by restG4
 CTRestGeant4ParticleA class used to store particle properties
 CTRestGeant4QuenchingProcessRecomputes the energy of every hit based on quenching factor for each particle and volume
 CTRestGeant4ToDetectorHitsProcessA process to transform a TRestGeant4Event into a TRestDetectorHitsEvent
 CTRestGridMaskA class used to define a grid mask pattern
 CTRestHitsIt saves a 3-coordinate position and an energy for each punctual deposition
 CTRestLegacyProcessBase class for legacy process
 CTRestManagerManaging applications and executing tasks
 CTRestMeshA basic class inheriting from TObject to help creating a node grid definition
 CTRestMetadataA base class for any REST metadata class
 CTRestMetadataPlotA helper class to draw the evolution or correlation of metadata information from a set of REST files
 CTRestMySQLToAnalysisProcessThis process connects to a SQL database and adds new observables inside the analysis tree
 CTRestPatternMaskAn abstract class used to encapsulate different mask pattern class definitions
 CTRestProcessRunnerRunning the processes efficiently with fantastic display
 CTRestRadialStrippedMaskA class used to define a stripped mask pattern
 CTRestRawAFTERToSignalProcessA process to read binary files produced with AFTER electronics
 CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcessAn process to read binary data from BiPo electronics
 CTRestRawCommonNoiseReductionProcessA process to subtract the common channels noise from RawSignal type
 CTRestRawDAQMetadataA metadata class to store DAQ information
 CTRestRawFEUDreamToSignalProcessAn process to read binary data from FEUDream electronics
 CTRestRawFindResponseSignalProcessA process to find a representative signal to generate a response signal
 CTRestRawMultiFEMINOSToSignalProcessA process to read Feminos acquisition cards in single or TCM mode
 CTRestRawSignalIt defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin
 CTRestRawSignalAddNoiseProcessA process to add/emulate electronic noise into a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestRawSignalAnalysisProcessAn analysis process to extract valuable information from a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestRawSignalEventAn event container for time rawdata signals with fixed length
 CTRestRawSignalIdTaggingProcessAn analysis process helping to assign tags to user defined ranges of signal ids
 CTRestRawSignalRecoverChannelsProcessA process allowing to recover selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestRawSignalRecoverSaturationProcessThis class recovers the saturated signals in a TRestRawSignalEvent using a fit to the AGET pulse
 CTRestRawSignalRemoveChannelsProcessA process allowing to remove selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestRawTDSToSignalProcessA process to read binary files produced with TDS (Tektronix oscilloscope) DAQ
 CTRestRawToDetectorSignalProcessA process to convert a TRestRawSignalEvent into a TRestDetectorSignalEvent
 CTRestRawToSignalProcessA base class for any process reading a binary external file as input to REST
 CTRestRawUSTCToSignalProcessA process to read USTC electronic binary format files generated
 CTRestRawZeroSuppresionProcessA process to identify signal and remove baseline noise from a TRestRawSignalEvent
 CTRestResponseA response matrix that might be applied to a given component inside a TRestComponent
 CTRestRingsMaskA class used to define a rings mask pattern
 CTRestRunData provider and manager in REST
 CTRestSensitivityIt combines a number of experimental conditions allowing to calculate a combined experimental sensitivity
 CTRestSpiderMaskA class used to define and generate a spider structure mask
 CTRestStrippedMaskA class used to define a stripped mask pattern
 CTRestSummaryProcessA process to define basic data members to serve as a metadata summary in a data processing chain
 CTRestTaskWrapping REST macros into tasks
 CTRestThreadThreaded worker of a process chain
 CTRestToolsA generic class with useful static methods
 CTRestTrack2DAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data
 CTRestTrack3DAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data
 CTRestTrackAnalysisProcessAn analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data
 CTRestTrackLineAnalysisProcessA process to identify and extrack origin and end of a track assuming a linear track
 CTRestTrackLinearizationProcessA process to perform track linearization
 CTRestTrackViewerProcessA generic viewer REST process to visualize track events
 CTRestWimpNucleusA class to store different nucleus parameters