CANABlockHead | |
CANAEventHead | |
CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::BiPoSettings | A structure to store the BiPo settings |
CTRestRawReadoutMetadata::ChannelInfo | |
CTRestRawFEUDreamToSignalProcess::DataLineDream | |
CREST_Reflection::DataType_Info | |
CTRestRawFEUDreamToSignalProcess::FeuReadOut | |
CREST_InitTools::GlobalVarInit< T > | |
CTRestMetadataPlot::Graph_Info_Set | This structure is used to register the values from a <graph definition inside the RML |
CTRestDataSetPlot::HistoInfo | Nested classes for internal use only |
CTRestAnalysisPlot::HistoInfoSet | |
CHitsVisualConfiguration | |
CHitTransformation | A structure to define a given hit transformation |
CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::MatacqBoard | A structure to store the configuration settings of Matacq board |
CTRestMessenger::messagepool_t::message_t | |
CTRestMessenger::messagepool_t | |
CTRestDataSetGainMap::Module | |
CTRestMetadataPlot::Panel_Info | This structure is used to register the values from a <panel definition inside the RML |
CTRestAnalysisPlot::PanelInfo | |
CTRestDataSetPlot::PanelInfo | Auxiliary class for panels/labels |
CTRestDetectorSignalToRawSignalProcess::Parameters | |
CTRestMetadataPlot::Plot_Info_Set | This structure is used to register the values from a <plot definition inside the RML |
CTRestDataSetPlot::PlotInfo | Auxiliary struct for plots/pads |
CTRestAnalysisPlot::PlotInfoSet | |
CTRestDataSet::RelevantQuantity | |
CRESTVirtualConverter | |
▼CTGeoManager | |
CTRestDetectorGeometry | |
▼CTNamed | |
►CTRestMetadata | A base class for any REST metadata class |
CTRestAnalysisPlot | |
CTRestAxionBufferGas | A metadata class to define the gas properties used in axion search calculations |
CTRestAxionLikelihood | |
CTRestAxionMagneticField | A class to load magnetic field maps and evaluate the field on those maps including interpolation |
►CTRestAxionOptics | An abstract class to define common optics parameters and methods |
CTRestAxionMCPLOptics | A class to load optics response using MCPL files |
CTRestAxionTrueWolterOptics | A class that calculates the reflection path of X-rays through a Wolter 1 telescope |
CTRestAxionWolterOptics | A class that calculates the reflection path of X-rays through a Wolter 1 telescope |
CTRestAxionOpticsMirror | A metadata class accessing the Henke database to load reflectivity data |
►CTRestAxionSolarFlux | A metadata class to load tabulated solar axion fluxes |
CTRestAxionSolarQCDFlux | A metadata class to load tabulated solar axion fluxes. Mass independent |
CTRestAxionSolarModel | A metadata class to define theoretical axion models and calculations related |
CTRestAxionSpectrum | A metadata class to define a solar axion spectrum and functions to evaluate it |
CTRestAxionTemplate | A metadata class to serve as example on the implementation of future metadata classes |
CTRestAxionXrayWindow | A metadata class to create x-ray transmission window definitions |
►CTRestComponent | It defines a background/signal model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en) |
CTRestAxionHelioscopeSignal | It allows to build a signal model using a given helioscope configuration and solar axion flux component |
CTRestComponentDataSet | It defines a background/signal model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en) |
CTRestComponentFormula | It defines an analytical component model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,y,en) |
CTRestCut | A class to help on cuts definitions. To be used with TRestAnalysisTree |
CTRestDataSet | It allows to group a number of runs that satisfy given metadata conditions |
CTRestDataSetCalibration | This class is meant to perform the calibration of different runs |
CTRestDataSetGainMap | Metadata class to calculate,store and apply the gain corrected calibration of a group of detectors |
CTRestDataSetOdds | This class is meant to compute the log odds for different datasets |
CTRestDataSetPlot | Perform the plot over datasets |
CTRestDetector | An metadata class to store basic detector information |
►CTRestDetectorDriftVolume | |
CTRestDetectorGas | |
CTRestDetectorGainMap | |
CTRestDetectorReadout | A metadata class to generate/store a readout description |
CTRestDetectorSetup | |
►CTRestEventProcess | A base class for any REST event process |
CTRestAxionAnalysisProcess | An analyis process to add TRestAxionEvent observables to the analysis tree |
►CTRestAxionEventProcess | A base class for any axion event process. Defines position, rotation and component displacement |
CTRestAxionDeviationProcess | A process to deviate the axion direction by a given yaw and pitch angle distributions |
CTRestAxionFieldPropagationProcess | A process to introduce the magnetic field profile integration along the track |
CTRestAxionOpticsProcess | A process to introduce the response from optics in the axion signal generation chain |
CTRestAxionTransmissionProcess | A process to include photon transmission using a combination of TRestAxionXrayWindow definitions |
CTRestAxionTransportProcess | A process to transport the axion to a given z-position without changing direction |
CTRestAxionGeneratorProcess | A process to initialize the axion event (mainly through TRestAxionSolarFlux) |
CTRestBenchMarkProcess | A system performance monitor process for event flow rate, reading speed, cpu stress, etc |
CTRestDataQualityProcess | A process to define and store quality numbers |
CTRestDetectorAvalancheProcess | |
CTRestDetectorDaqChannelSwitchingProcess | |
CTRestDetectorElectronDiffusionProcess | |
CTRestDetectorFiducializationProcess | |
CTRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitmapAnalysisProcess | An analysis process to apply rotation/translation/specular to mean hit positions |
CTRestDetectorHits3DReconstructionProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitsAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data |
CTRestDetectorHitsGaussAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data performing gaussian fits |
CTRestDetectorHitsNormalizationProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitsReadoutAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Hits type of data |
CTRestDetectorHitsReductionProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitsRotationProcess | A process to rotate hits from a given center and axis |
CTRestDetectorHitsShuffleProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitsSmearingProcess | A process to include detector energy resolution in a TRestDetectorHitsEvent |
CTRestDetectorHitsSpecularProcess | A process to create specular hit images using a plane definition |
CTRestDetectorHitsToSignalProcess | A process to transform a x,y,z coordinate hits into daq identified physical time signals |
CTRestDetectorHitsToTrackFastProcess | |
CTRestDetectorHitsToTrackProcess | A process to convert a TRestDetectorHitsEvent into a TRestTrackEvent |
CTRestDetectorHitsTranslationProcess | A process to translate hits by a given user amount |
CTRestDetectorLightAttenuationProcess | A process to include detector energy resolution in a TRestDetectorHitsEvent |
CTRestDetectorPositionMappingProcess | |
CTRestDetectorSignalChannelActivityProcess | A pure analysis process to generate histograms with detector channels activity |
CTRestDetectorSignalRecoveryProcess | A process allowing to recover selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestDetectorSignalToHitsProcess | A process to transform a daq channel and physical time to spatial coordinates |
CTRestDetectorSignalToRawSignalProcess | A process to convert a TRestDetectorSignalEvent into a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestDetectorSignalViewerProcess | |
CTRestDetectorSingleChannelAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestDetectorTriggerAnalysisProcess | A process to generate integral observables for signal ADC windows found above the defined energy threshold |
CTRestEventRateAnalysisProcess | A pure analysis process used to calculate event rates and other time observables |
CTRestEventSelectionProcess | A template process to serve as an example to create new TRestRawSignalEventProcess |
CTRestEventTimeSelectionProcess | |
CTRestGeant4AnalysisProcess | A pure analysis process to extract information from a TRestGeant4Event |
CTRestGeant4BlobAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestGeant4NeutronTaggingProcess | |
CTRestGeant4QuenchingProcess | Recomputes the energy of every hit based on quenching factor for each particle and volume |
CTRestGeant4ToDetectorHitsProcess | A process to transform a TRestGeant4Event into a TRestDetectorHitsEvent |
CTRestGeant4VetoAnalysisProcess | |
►CTRestLegacyProcess | Base class for legacy process |
CTRestRawSignalRecoverChannelsProcess | A process allowing to recover selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestRawZeroSuppresionProcess | A process to identify signal and remove baseline noise from a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestMySQLToAnalysisProcess | This process connects to a SQL database and adds new observables inside the analysis tree |
CTRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess | |
CTRestRawBiPoAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestRawCommonNoiseReductionProcess | A process to subtract the common channels noise from RawSignal type |
CTRestRawFeminosRootToSignalProcess | |
CTRestRawFindResponseSignalProcess | A process to find a representative signal to generate a response signal |
CTRestRawMemoryBufferToSignalProcess | |
CTRestRawPeaksFinderProcess | |
CTRestRawReadoutAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestRawReadoutMetadataProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalAddNoiseProcess | A process to add/emulate electronic noise into a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestRawSignalAnalysisProcess | An analysis process to extract valuable information from a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestRawSignalChannelActivityProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalConvolutionFittingProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalFittingProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalGeneralFitProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalIdTaggingProcess | An analysis process helping to assign tags to user defined ranges of signal ids |
CTRestRawSignalRangeReductionProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalRecoverSaturationProcess | This class recovers the saturated signals in a TRestRawSignalEvent using a fit to the AGET pulse |
CTRestRawSignalRemoveChannelsProcess | A process allowing to remove selected channels from a TRestRawSignalEvent |
CTRestRawSignalShapingProcess | |
CTRestRawSignalViewerProcess | |
CTRestRawToDetectorSignalProcess | A process to convert a TRestRawSignalEvent into a TRestDetectorSignalEvent |
►CTRestRawToSignalProcess | A base class for any process reading a binary external file as input to REST |
CTRestRawAFTERToSignalProcess | A process to read binary files produced with AFTER electronics |
CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess | An process to read binary data from BiPo electronics |
CTRestRawFEUDreamToSignalProcess | An process to read binary data from FEUDream electronics |
CTRestRawMultiCoBoAsAdToSignalProcess | |
CTRestRawMultiFEMINOSToSignalProcess | A process to read Feminos acquisition cards in single or TCM mode |
CTRestRawTDSToSignalProcess | A process to read binary files produced with TDS (Tektronix oscilloscope) DAQ |
CTRestRawUSTCToSignalProcess | A process to read USTC electronic binary format files generated |
CTRestRawVetoAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestRealTimeAddInputFileProcess | |
CTRestRealTimeDrawingProcess | |
CTRestSummaryProcess | A process to define basic data members to serve as a metadata summary in a data processing chain |
CTRestTrack2DAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data |
CTRestTrack3DAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data |
CTRestTrackAnalysisProcess | An analysis REST process to extract valuable information from Track type of data |
CTRestTrackBlobAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestTrackDetachIsolatedNodesProcess | |
CTRestTrackLineAnalysisProcess | A process to identify and extrack origin and end of a track assuming a linear track |
CTRestTrackLinearizationProcess | A process to perform track linearization |
CTRestTrackPathMinimizationProcess | |
CTRestTrackPointLikeAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestTrackReconnectionProcess | |
CTRestTrackReductionProcess | |
CTRestTrackToDetectorHitsProcess | |
CTRestTrackViewerProcess | A generic viewer REST process to visualize track events |
CTRestExperiment | It includes a model definition and experimental data used to obtain a final experimental sensitivity |
CTRestExperimentList | A helper metadata class to create a list of TRestExperiment instances |
CTRestGDMLParser | |
CTRestGeant4Metadata | The main class to store the Geant4 simulation conditions that will be used by restG4 |
►CTRestGeant4ParticleSource | |
CTRestGeant4ParticleSourceCosmics | |
CTRestGeant4ParticleSourceCry | |
CTRestGeant4ParticleSourceDecay0 | |
CTRestGeant4PhysicsLists | |
CTRestManager | Managing applications and executing tasks |
CTRestMessenger | |
CTRestMetadataPlot | A helper class to draw the evolution or correlation of metadata information from a set of REST files |
►CTRestPatternMask | An abstract class used to encapsulate different mask pattern class definitions |
CTRestCombinedMask | A class used to define and generate a combined structure mask |
CTRestGridMask | A class used to define a grid mask pattern |
CTRestRadialStrippedMask | A class used to define a stripped mask pattern |
CTRestRingsMask | A class used to define a rings mask pattern |
CTRestSpiderMask | A class used to define and generate a spider structure mask |
CTRestStrippedMask | A class used to define a stripped mask pattern |
CTRestProcessRunner | Running the processes efficiently with fantastic display |
CTRestRawDAQMetadata | A metadata class to store DAQ information |
CTRestRawReadoutMetadata | |
CTRestResponse | A response matrix that might be applied to a given component inside a TRestComponent |
CTRestRun | Data provider and manager in REST |
CTRestSensitivity | It combines a number of experimental conditions allowing to calculate a combined experimental sensitivity |
CTRestTask | Wrapping REST macros into tasks |
CTRestWimpSensitivity | |
▼CTObject | |
CTRestAxionField | A basic class to define analytical axion-photon conversion calculations for axion helioscopes |
CTRestDataQualityRules | A class to define the properties of a rule inside TRestDataQualityRules |
►CTRestEvent | A base class for any REST event |
CTRestAxionEvent | An event data class to define the parameters related to an axion particle |
CTRestDetectorHitsEvent | |
CTRestDetectorSignalEvent | |
CTRestGeant4Event | An event class to store geant4 generated event information |
CTRestRawSignalEvent | An event container for time rawdata signals with fixed length |
CTRestTrackEvent | |
CTRestGeant4BiasingVolume | |
CTRestMesh | A basic class inheriting from TObject to help creating a node grid definition |
CTRestRawFFT | |
CTrackVisualConfiguration | |
CTRestBrowser | Event browser for different input file |
CTRestComplex | A generic class to handle complex numbers with real precision |
CTRestDataBase | |
CTRestDetectorReadoutChannel | |
CTRestDetectorReadoutMapping | |
CTRestDetectorReadoutModule | |
CTRestDetectorReadoutPixel | A class to store the readout pixel definition used in TRestDetectorReadoutChannel |
CTRestDetectorReadoutPlane | |
CTRestDetectorSignal | |
▼CTRestEventViewer | |
CTRestDetectorReadoutEventViewer | |
►CTRestEveEventViewer | |
CTRestDetectorHitsEventViewer | |
CTRestGeant4EventViewer | |
CTRestGeant4GeometryInfo | |
▼CTRestGeant4Particle | A class used to store particle properties |
CTRestGeant4ParticleSource | |
CTRestGeant4PhysicsInfo | |
CTRestGeant4PrimaryGeneratorInfo | |
CTRestGeant4Track | |
▼CTRestHits | It saves a 3-coordinate position and an energy for each punctual deposition |
CTRestGeant4Hits | |
CTRestVolumeHits | |
CTRestHits::TRestHits_Iterator | |
CTRestRawBiPoSignalAnalysisProcess | |
CTRestRawSignal | It defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin |
CREST_Reflection::TRestReflector | |
CTRestStringOutput | |
CREST_Units::TRestSystemOfUnits | |
CTRestSystemOfUnits | |
CTRestThread | Threaded worker of a process chain |
CTRestTools | A generic class with useful static methods |
CTRestTrack | |
CTRestWimpMetadata | |
CTRestWimpNucleus | A class to store different nucleus parameters |
CTRestWimpUtils | |
▼CTTree | |
CTRestAnalysisTree | REST core data-saving helper based on TTree |
CREST_Units::UnitsStruct | |
CValueWithQuantity | |
CVeto | |